5 Fast Facts About Tahoe Hydroponics
Centered in the heart of the mesmerizing Lake Tahoe area in Nevada, Tahoe Hydroponics is producing some of the finest marijuana in the game.
Tahoe Hydroponics supplies the likes of nineteen Nevada dispensaries and has won numerous awards. The company’s mission captures the passion they put into their product.
“[Our goal] is to grow the type of marijuana that we want to smoke”. To better introduce the world to these fantastic marijuana cultivators we’ve created a list of 5 fast facts you need to know about Tahoe Hydroponics.
They won the Jack Herer Cup in 2016
In the 2016 competition for the Jack Herer Cup in Las Vegas, Nevada Tahoe Hydroponics managed to snagged three awards for their exceptionally grown bud. The company even tweeted a photo on their Twitter page showing their gratitude for the win.
They supply to one of the best dispensaries in the America
In 2016 Business Insider released a list of 25 of the best medical marijuana dispensaries in the United States of America and ranked two Las Vegas dispensaries on their list: The Grove and Essence Vegas. And what would you know? Tahoe Hydroponics is one of Essence Vegas’ top suppliers of bud and other product.They are 100% legal
Tahoe Hydroponics is one of the lucky marijuana cultivators to receive a cannabis growing permit in the United States. Tricky regulations make it hard to growers to achieve this status but Tahoe Hydroponic acquired their licence in 2015 and has been selling high grade legal marijuana ever since!
Their “Champagne” Strain is at 25.7% THC
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the most common psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana, ,ost cannabis strains have an average of 14-18% THC content but with the breeding of certain genetics, Tahoe Hydroponic has managed to produce a strain with 25.7% THC content which they’ve named “Champagne”.
One of the fastest growing marijuana producers
It’s not uncommon to see investors in the new marijuana market but it takes a special brand to really succeed. Tahoe Hydroponics has managed this in two short years by growing into one of Nevada’s and Las Vegas’ top marijuana cultivators supplying the likes of nineteen different dispensaries.