Driving With Your Stash: What You Need To Know When Coming To Vegas
While marijuana is legal for adult use in Vegas, there are certain things you need to be aware of before you spark up a doobie behind the wheel.
Q: Can I drive around with marijuana in my car?
A: Yes, as long as you aren’t consuming it and it is within the legal amount to possess. Driving stoned, however, remains against the law. Not even passengers can smoke under the new law. Source
Q: How can police tell if I am driving while high?
A: Nevada law defines marijuana impairment for drivers as someone who has a certain amount of “marijuana” and “marijuana metabolite” in their urine or blood. Because marijuana can stay in a users system for up to 30 days after use, Assembly Bill 135 would mandate the use of a blood test to detect marijuana metabolite and eliminate urine tests for traces of the drug. Source
Q: What’s the best way to travel with your weed?
A: Hot boxing may have been cool in high school, but today you’re just asking for trouble. The best advice we can offer when it comes to smoking a joint while driving is DON’T! Now, if you’re driving from point a to point b with legal marijuana in your possession, be sure to keep it tucked away and have your insurance, driver’s license and current registration readily available. Source
Q: What about toking in a parked car?
A: As mentioned above, hot boxing is not advisable, but if you must ….be smart about it. Don’t leave your vehicle littered with pipes and roaches. Keep some sort of smoke removing spray on standby too. But again, we advise against this.