Las Vegas Dispensaries Open Their Doors to Those 21+
On the eve of Adult Use cannabis becoming legal to purchase in the state of Nevada, a small group gathered at a sprawling 420-friendly Las Vegas mansion to partake in a bring-your-own-cannabis yoga class.
After a few tokes and extensive postures, the conversation enthusiastically shifted to midnight: July 1, when Nevada became the fifth state with shops selling cannabis to the public.
“Oh yeah, there’s definitely going to be lines,” Luxe Mansion’s Asia Duncan predicted.
And lines there were.
Some media outlets estimated hundreds of people both local medical marijuana patients and tourists alike stood in line for up to an hour in some cases to make a legal cannabis purchase.
On Monday, lines once again began to form before dispensaries even opened their doors.
With more than 42 million tourists flocking to Las Vegas each year, Andrew Jolley, president of the Nevada Dispensary Association told reporters, “I’m a very happy with the way sales have gone and continue to go, especially when you consider that the word didn’t really get out ahead of time.”
The public really only had a couple of weeks’ notice on when Nevada’s adult use went into effect, unlike Colorado, which had a full year to prepare.